Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Busted Flat in"...Dodgeville

QuadruPedal Race Recap
Division: Mountain Bike
Distance: 33 miles
Finish: DNF
(tri lingo for "did not finish," according to our dad we DNS for "did not start!")

True to form, we arrived decked out in running gear. This encouraged fellow cyclist to comment on our active wear choice. We would like to thank all the non-cycling snobs who refrained from pointing out the obvious. The first 10 yards started out strong (us being in good form and menatlly prepared). And while we were focused and determined, we couldn't ignore the sound of "pppsssssssssssssss." Yep, our dream of finishing and enjoying a post-race celebration ended. Britt had a FLAT. In the end, we justified paying $50.00 for a t-shirt and contributing to a dog charity.

*like a boy scout ...always be prepared
*a saddle bag full of spare tubes and bike tools isn't just for appearance sake
*Sprint (cell service) doesn't work in Dodgeville, Wisconsin (or at our parent's house or various locations around Chicago)
*Dodgeville's Walmart is super nice & has moral shoppers (our unlocked bikes weren't stolen)

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